Traditional Taekwondo point sparring rules will be used at this event. LIGHT/CONTROLLED head contact will be allowed by hand and foot techniques only to the areas covered by headgear, excluding the back of the head – face contact is not allowed. Single points shall be awarded for any clean/successful strikes to the body by either hand or foot as well as clean/successful hand strikes to the head under above restrictions. Two points shall be awarded for any clean/successful strikes by the foot to the head under the above restrictions. Matches shall be single elimination, one round and have a total run time of two minutes.

Mandatory Sparring Equipment: Headgear, foam fist guards, foam foot protectors, mouth guard
and groin cup (males).
Optional Sparring Equipment: face shields, chest protectors, shin/forearm protectors
DKFA provides no competitor gear. We will not require any particular color gear