KICKS101 Remote Learning Camp

DKFA’s KICKS101 Remote Learning Camp is the perfect solution to provide your student with a routine and structured learning environment balanced with a priority towards safety.

KICKS101 Camp offers families a trusted place where your students can comfortably and safely take on their remote learning while retaining some of the routine and structure of in-person classes. Our dojang is in the process of adding private and partitioned learning pods where martial arts leaders will supervise students with logging on and completing assignments as well as ensuring attendance with live teacher sessions. During breaks and downtime students will have a blast with structured activities including martial arts classes.

DKFA’s KICKS101 facilitates and supervises your child’s remote learning, we are not offering educational services.

The following 2-Week Sessions are now registering. Additional sessions will become available based on modifications to local school district schedule modifications and participant interests. There will be no camp on Labor Day during Session#1.

Sibling & Multi-Session Discounts Are Available

Sibling Discount – A 5% off discount is available for siblings residing in the same household.

Multi-Session Discount – Register for 2 sessions and you earn an additional 5% discount.

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Camp Enrollment & Refund Policies